
Unite against CBS

CBS 'Late Show' host David Letterman recently admitted to sleeping with several women at work. Yet, he appears to be facing no consequences for his behavior.

Katie agrees with a statement issued this week by the National Organization for Women:
Most women can attest to the fact that many workplaces are plagued with inappropriate behavior by men in power... Every woman -- and every man -- deserves to work in a place where all employees are respected for their talents and skills.
Katie says most religious organizations would agree with this statement. Yet, many fail to practice what they preach. Denominations that ordain women do not necessarily make safer workplaces for women.


Women who speak out about inappropriate behavior by their male supervisors often do not find support. Workplaces are prone to rally behind the men in power, giving women two choices: 1) Endure unconscionable behavior; or 2) Leave.

Either way, her reputation is tarnished and he remains in power. This is not justice for women.